Monday, November 24, 2014

Texture Research Examples

Whenyou look at these you can actually just imagine feeling something that's why I chose these.
I honestly cant feel anything by looking at this so there.

Distance Research Examples

Close Up

I mean these are close up pictures so why wouldnt they fit the element.
Medium Distance

Ok these 4 were a bit tricky to choose but in the end I do believe these use medium distance/are medium distance photos.
Long Range

These look like they were taken from far away so there you go.

Rhythm Research Examples

These have a very predictable flow to them so I believe they use rhythm well.

No Rhythm

These just lose alot of rhythm so no.

Repetition of Shapes Research Examples

These do a good job off reapeting shapes (small or big) so I think they use the element well.

Visual Perspective/Angles Research Examples

 Bird's Eye View

These are taking from a very high (VERY HIGH) position so they definitely use bird's eye view well (I mean they can be found when you look up "Bird's Eye View" on Google).
Worm's Eye View

These are taking from a very low (VERY LOW) position so they definitely use worm's eye view well (I mean they can be found when you look up "Worm's Eye View" on Google).
Unusual Angle

These are, in my opinion taken from weird angles so there's that.
Well this one isn't taken from any angle so no.

Framing Research Examples

Instead of doing a seperate explanation for each I just decided to this instead.
All of these are well framed and in a pretty cool manner except the last one (the one directly above) which is pretty lame, but still framed.
The frame in this one could be way better but still, I like the idea.

Leading Lines Research Examples

The lines in between the groups of flowers lead way to the windmill so this draws the viewer to the center of interest which is the windmill. :]
The horizontal lines make this look so powerful and yes I do think it use the horizontal lines well, by the way.

This has somewhat of a vertical feel to it so it does it well.
The curve that goes through this road is what made me choose this.
The train track going around the corner look like an S and I believe this an S-line?